Saturday, 9 January 2016

Day 13

With just 5 hours sleep due to the late return from an amazing day at universal studios theprevious day we all fell out of bed at 6 am. We had the usual breakfast and headed out to training. Andy , Masie, Charlie and I (Adam) were lifting heavy objects in the gym whilst the others did broken timed swims. After this everybody headed out to the running track to do a 30 minute run. Charlie tried hard which was a weird site and due to his awesome effort chundered in the bushes. Back at base Paul made everybody make to order omlet's which were beautiful. After we had a good laugh pushing people in the pool often in clothes including Matt. Down time came next which involved alot of sleeping due to the late night and early start. At 3: 15 we left for session two. However when we got there it turned out Matt had got the times mixed up. So whilst we waited for paul to return with the mini bus we did 20 minutes of running up down and around the spectator seating.  We were then told that we were going to the beach to do a sea swim which was an amazing experience. It was so bizarre not being able to see your hand on the end of your arm. We did this until it got dark and wasnt safe enough to carry on. We then gathered round to hear matt announce the the swimmers of the camp who the team managers and matt believed had tried hardest in and out of training. They decided that it would be two swimmers one boy and one girl. They were Hannah and myself which i was really pleased about. They told us that we would both be receiving 100 dollars and a trip to the mall to spend the money. On the way home we stopped off at a supermarket to get a help yourself buffet with a selection of rice noodles chicken and many other things. It was delicious Callum and Nathan even managed to get a ready cooked pizza to share. We then all partook in a brilliant quiz which consisted of us trying to determine who was who after looking at baby pictures. It was really fun and a lot harder than we all thought. And that brought the second to last day to a brilliant end.

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