Monday, 11 January 2016

That's all Folks...

So the end is here and we have touch down, 7000km , £15,000 of fundraising , 1000+ Meals, 30 training sessions, 22 Strong team, 14 days and 1 whole year of prep. Result = PRICELESS!! .... Take a bow to everyone involved, supporters, sponsors, donators, parents, friends and family, swimmers and Team Managers.


Sunday, 10 January 2016

Day 14

Today was an interesting day..... I say this because we had an extremely long training session. By long I mean 6 hours long! (But we did have an 1 hour break out of the sun for food so it was all good) The training sessions were OK though we did some stand-up swims and Andy managed to make a 49 for a 100 :0 . After this we went to the shopping centre to get some last minute presents. After that we went back home and had wraps . Presents were given to the team managers and we are now all going to a diner to get a well deserved milkshake! 
P.S. Jordan really loves Matt at the moment 💖 hahahaha lol
Maisie & Jordan 

Boarding....See you soon folks.

Team photo at Pine Crest School moments before last training session.

Saturday, 9 January 2016

Who made these kids!

We've nagged, we've moaned, we've put some of these through challenges and tasks so difficult they cried.... And they still said thank you.
Shelley, Paul and myself all received a tshirt, key ring and treat with this card from all the swimmers.
Nice touch swimmers....your 19 in a million!!

Last Night Antics...

Swapping seats with Geary!!, it was scary and we didn't even move...

Milkshakes at the Diner....making sure everybody gets there shake fix before the end of camp!!
Charlie being a bigger baby than normal...
The Last's Fajita & Leftovers Time

Day 13

With just 5 hours sleep due to the late return from an amazing day at universal studios theprevious day we all fell out of bed at 6 am. We had the usual breakfast and headed out to training. Andy , Masie, Charlie and I (Adam) were lifting heavy objects in the gym whilst the others did broken timed swims. After this everybody headed out to the running track to do a 30 minute run. Charlie tried hard which was a weird site and due to his awesome effort chundered in the bushes. Back at base Paul made everybody make to order omlet's which were beautiful. After we had a good laugh pushing people in the pool often in clothes including Matt. Down time came next which involved alot of sleeping due to the late night and early start. At 3: 15 we left for session two. However when we got there it turned out Matt had got the times mixed up. So whilst we waited for paul to return with the mini bus we did 20 minutes of running up down and around the spectator seating.  We were then told that we were going to the beach to do a sea swim which was an amazing experience. It was so bizarre not being able to see your hand on the end of your arm. We did this until it got dark and wasnt safe enough to carry on. We then gathered round to hear matt announce the the swimmers of the camp who the team managers and matt believed had tried hardest in and out of training. They decided that it would be two swimmers one boy and one girl. They were Hannah and myself which i was really pleased about. They told us that we would both be receiving 100 dollars and a trip to the mall to spend the money. On the way home we stopped off at a supermarket to get a help yourself buffet with a selection of rice noodles chicken and many other things. It was delicious Callum and Nathan even managed to get a ready cooked pizza to share. We then all partook in a brilliant quiz which consisted of us trying to determine who was who after looking at baby pictures. It was really fun and a lot harder than we all thought. And that brought the second to last day to a brilliant end.

Friday, 8 January 2016

Guess the baby...Can you guess who the babies are?

Another American cliche....Running the bleaches!!

Day 12

We woke up bright and early but this time not for swimming !!! We had earned ourselves a trip to Orlando due to are own hard work.

We had cereal and toast for breakfast at 4:30 am. We had to be all loaded into the car by 5 am for the day ahead. A tiring 3 hour car journey followed but we were all buzzing by the time we had arrived. We quickly split into 3 groups Matts Shelley’s or Paul’s.

Nathan concurred his fears of roller coasters and now loves them. Catherine officially loves log flumes too.

For dinner we went to the famous Hard Rock Cafe where Shelley and Paul arrived first and Matts group arrived later, after queuing for the Harry Potter ride.  Most of us ate a healthy burger with which were very nice.

We had time for one last ride at the end of the day. We sprinted to the log flumes (the only bit of exercise for the day) and made it just in time before it shut. Even Matt and Shelley went on. 

This had got to be one of the best days of the trip as everyone had fun and enjoyed it.

Olivia, Kelsie, Catherine.

Hannah Warming Up...

Working Hard, Or Hardly working?

Mad Hatter.

Commitment from Dan with speedo asking for for hat design copyright :)... 'I will train, even with earache !'

Day 11

We woke up at 6 to look forward to a fantastic and fun filled session in the beautiful “ warm “ weather. the pool was FREEZING!!!!!! and we enjoyed a fantastic sprint set. To stay warm we did stuff like the can-can and sang chants. even though there was basically a tornado going on we still managed to keep moral high. Then, later  on in the set, we enjoyed 3 x 300 im’s while the rest of the team were in the hot tub. Then we went home for down time :) yay. during down time we had food.
Next we went swimming again for another hard set in the cold which included lots of sprint to make a 400m time Also we did land training. When we got back from training we had tea but we had to go to baed early as the next day we had to be up early for a trip.
Nathan & Callum

Day 10 Hannah's Birthday

In the morning we got up bright and early for the training session. I  was very tired and not looking forward to early morning training on my birthday, however, once I opened the door to the kitchen (where breakfast is) I saw the whole kitchen covered in birthday decorations, thank you everyone!! 

After opening my presents ( thanks again everyone) we went to the freezing cold pool and swam a long recovery set.  Then, we had a beautiful, and very tasty, rainbow cake! After eating the super nice cake we had about 2 hours of downtime and were back at the pool for a challanging sprint set. 

In the evening we all went to the massive mall to have dinner and do some more shopping. First, we ate at the cheesecake factory, all the food was delicious! Then we split up into groups and did some shopping! 

Finally, we went home for some well earnt rest! Thank you Matt, Paul and Shelley for evrything you did in my birthday! It was great!

By Hannah :)

Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Hannah do a spot of birthday shopping in Ralph Lauren taking inspiration from our very own Charlie Beckett.

Hannah's Birthday Meal

CheeseCake Factory.... Didn't quite know what had hit them when we descendent upon them for a well earnt cheat meal.
Hannah stayed true to form by taking a nap half way through...

Weathers dropped and turned cloudy

Weather has dropped abit the last two days, however we'd still rather be here than in England...


Setting the scene for Hannah's 12th birthday whitest here in Florida, a quick questionnaire in the morning to determine the birthday girls favourite colour and then off to party city for some decorations.

Day 9

The American school term times are the same as the UK so we had to get up much earlier than usual, to avoid the school traffic, leaving the apartments at 6:45 so we could arrive at the pool for 7:30 for an 8:00 start. To start the training off we did some rolling and stretching and a core set. Then we got in the pool to start the set off which was hitting your target time. While this was happening Adam, Andy, Maisie, Caomi, Ryan and Charlie went in the gym to work their arms and legs.

Later we came home with only 2 hours until our next training session so Matt made us all stay in our rooms until it was time to leave. ‘Down-time’ as he calls it. The boys had no Wi-Fi as a power cut had caused the password to reset but the girls still had theirs – which was promptly taken that evening as Matt wanted us to socialise! We, as teenagers, struggled to understand this word.

Training came around sooner than expected and before we knew it we were back in a freezing pool as the sun refused to show his face. Matt gave us 3 sets in 2 hours which we all completed. Those who were in the gym that morning had to return to finish their set.

We left to have a beautifully made casserole, by Paul and Shelly, with huge Yorkshire puddings. As we were cleaning the pots away, Matt sat us all down at the table and congratulated us on the afternoons set. I mean actually congratulated. (I swear I heard a fly land on the wall). He then gave us the option, as a team to go to the beach like before. Everyone seemed up for it but a few were drained from the workout so they stayed behind with Shelly. There were people running everywhere trying to get ready as quickly as possible to have as much time as possible on the beach. (We couldn’t find the American Football so Adam bought a volleyball and Andy fetched a Frisbee).  

At the beach it was much less violent than last time with everyone too exhausted to run around like headless chickens so we ended up sat in a circle while there was a couple going at it in the background.

On the way home Matts ‘Party Bus’ stopped at a Mcdonalds to get Shelly a latte. The look of horror across Charlies face was amazing as Matt said that he wasn’t buying anything but the latte.

As soon as we got back everyone hit the hay tired out of their minds.

By Caomi and Dan

Monday, 4 January 2016

19 swimmers, 3 kick sets, 1 session....SMASHED IT !!


 Yesterday we started off with an 8 am get up having to prepare our own food. We were experts, rushing around like proper chefs, making toast and fancy stuff like scrambled egg. We left for training at 10:00. It was a good set... Actually it was the hardest set we'd done so far according to some. To be honest I don't remember the set ( this is Abbie) which isn't a big surprise. After that we got ready into some fancy clothes- shorts and dungarees- and went...... SHOPPING!!! Even the boys were excited. Everyone had a great time and ate healthy food for tea at the start we walked around in groups with team managers then after we met up halfway through our time when the team managers decided to let everyone go around in groups of three till 7:45 when we went back to the transport. Matt gave an optional set to attend but he could only take seven people Josh,Laura,Maisie,Alisha and Adam who did about 9 X 200s and a 400 IM for time, or something like that. On there way back they called off for some food. Whilst they did that, everyone else slept after the hard day of work.